Greater Maidoll

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The Greater Maidoll is a doll-like mini-boss in Playfluff. She is a larger counterpart of the Lesser Maidolls, and unlike them, there's only one of her. She acts the same as her lesser counterparts but is harder to damage and has more means of defending herself. She is the boss of Cleanup on Aisle Burdust.


The Greater Maidoll is a larger and more mature-looking version of the Lesser Maidolls. Her dress is also bigger and poofier, allowing it to withstand attacks from Playfolk.


The Greater Maidoll essentially acts as a larger and stronger version of her Lesser counterparts, with her behavior being largely unchanged. She can carry objects with the strength of 20 Playfolk, will occasionally stop to look around, sweep the floor with her broom, or glance happily at nearby Lesser Maidolls, who will often greet her on sight. She also attacks Burdusts more aggressively and can sweep them to death.

A more important difference between the Greater Maidoll and her Lesser counterparts is that her larger and fluffier dress comforts any Playfolk thrown onto it, leaving them latched on but not actually attacking. If they did, they wouldn't be able to harm her anyway, as the dress can deflect damage. Instead, her soft, unprotected head must be attacked to inflict damage. If any Playfolk are currently on her, she can twirl to get them off, though she does this quicker if the Playfolk are attacking her. Her higher health pool means she can take more hits from being dragged to the Toybox's tractor beam, and every time she is harmed this way, she remains stunned on the floor for a few seconds, leaving her head vulnerable to Playfolk attacks. However, when she snaps out and gets up, she will immediately prepare to charge at the player before running at them. If she doesn't hit anything, she will fall over, but immediately get back up and dust herself off.

Upon being defeated, the Greater Maidoll swoons and falls over, but unlike the Lesser Maidolls, who die immediately after this, she instead leaves behind a treasure (if it hasn't been collected from her already) before running off.


The standard way of defeating the Greater Maidoll requires you to wait until she finds an item to bury. If there's anything else to do until then, you can deal with those until she grabs something. However, if there are no more items left to grab, or if you simply want to defeat her faster, you can attempt to punch her dress. This won't damage the Maidoll, but repeated hits will cause her to trip over and remain stunned for a few seconds, giving you time to charge a bunch of your Playfolk onto her head. When she gets up, call your Playfolk back right as she's about to twirl them off to maximize the damage dealt. It's not recommended to throw Playfolk or swarm her head using Skyraphines or Giggle-Ghouls; while you can skip dragging her to the Toybox this way, she will twirl them off quickly and make the battle take longer.


Same as the Lesser Maidolls, but with Greater instead of Lesser to signify this enemy's higher rank.


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