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Burdusts are dustbunny-like enemies that appear in Playfluff. They cannot directly harm Playfolk or Buddy, but instead cause them to run around in panic, which can cause them to accidentally run into a hazard or enemy. Plastibots are not disturbed by Burdusts. They are often found in piles of Toy Parts, but can be encountered outside of said piles as well.




Certain piles of Toy Parts on the ground will contain a group of 3-7 Burdusts. Toy Parts that have Burdusts inside them will have a slightly dirty appearance and dust particles surrounding them, and upon being picked up will release any Burdusts inside in the span of less than a second. These "dusty" Toy Parts spawn within predetermined piles of Toy Parts, but the amount of Burdusts contained in these dusty parts is random. Toy Parts obtained from a Switch-a-Log will never contain Burdusts.

When released, Burdusts will chase down and attempt to latch onto the heads of most nearby Playfolk, except for Plastibots, causing them to run around in a panic if successful. The mere sight of them will also cause Lesser Maidolls to panic immediately, but the Greater Maidoll will attack them on sight and attempt to sweep them out of existence.


Burdust is a combination of burden, possibly burst, and dust.


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