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Plugtail is an Electric/Metal-element Weird One.

It metamorphs into Stockette when exposed to a pair of Odd Socks or X-tencore starting at level 35 when fused with an Octocable.



The Plugtail is a small, spherical robotic creature made of a strangely waterproof metal. Its main body is dark gray with two prongs on top resembling the "pins" on a plug, with holes for eyes and a mouth resembling an outlet. It has small hands and stubby feet attached to its body without limbs and a long, versatile tail with a plug.


Plugtails feed almost exclusively on electricity and obtain it through various means, whether by absorbing electricity from an outlet or using their tails as lightning rods to attract lightning strikes. Although they are made of a waterproof metal, the holes that make up their faces present a vulnerability through which water can short-circuit a Plugtail—which often means death. To avoid this problem, Plugtails avoid water sources and will bury their bodies in the ground with only their tails exposed in a stiff, upright position. This enables them to make full use of their tail's lightning rod capabilities. Plugtails have also been observed to feed on foods that can easily conduct electricity.

Plugtails communicate via a series of electrical chirps and rhythmically tapping their tails against metal surfaces. They can use their tails as a defense tool to deliver mild electrical shocks to predators or other would-be threats and emit a bright flash of light from their faces to momentarily blind and disorient attackers, enabling the Plugtails an opportunity to escape.

Plugtails can store upwards of 300 watts of electricity, enough to fully function for up to a month. Plugtails can also electrify their tails as a defense mechanism to shock would-be threats or shoot bolts of electricity at foes. A fully charged Plugtail can power an average home for up to a week, making them very efficient as living generators, but care must be taken to ensure Plugtails don't short-circuit whatever they're powering.


Plugtails in the wild are primarily found in scrapyards or garbage dumps but only become active before, during, and shortly after thunderstorms. They may also frequent homes with accessible outlets.

In-Game Data

Abnormal Album entry



Plugtails can semi-rarely be found buried in the Great Dump during thunderstorms, and have an 8.25% chance of being found when rummaging through a Scrap Mound. This chance increases up to 22% depending on how small a given mound is, and can be boosted by 30% with an Electric or Metal Heartlure equipped.

Diet & Food Items

Likes & Dislikes
Loves Hates
Raw Electricity Water