Story Mode

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Story Mode is a generic term for the main mode of a video game, being the mode where the actual storyline and plot take place.

Below is a list of Story Modes in the games made by Loonarin-Sanchez Productions, and Loonarin-San himself.

In the games

Five Whole Nights at Mia's


In Luno-Kun's Adventure

The "Story Mode" of Luno-Kun's Adventure starts with Luno and Princess Sunny taking a walk before being confronted by Handy Hatterson, who kidnaps the latter and forces the former to collect eight Handhat Charms throughout the Handhat Kingdom. Luno runs to a nearby forest, lamenting over his predicament, and is greeted by the Moon Fairy, who offers to accompany him during his journey. Luno accepts, and heads to Hatter Wolf's lair for the first charm.

One Night with Loonarin-San


One Night with Loonarin-San 2


One Night with Loonarin-San 3




Super Moon Blaster


Teen Rebel Mania