Cosmic Entities

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Cosmic entities are a race of celestial beings native to outer space. In the Loonari-Verse, they are one of most powerful (if not *the* most powerful) beings in existence. There is a legion of Cosmic Entities known as the Cosmic Pantheon, consisting of Loonarin-San, Solari-Chan, and many other entities, that are often acknowledged as deities, as they have powers similar to one. Cosmic entities have multiple subspecies, including the deities, Cosvilians, and many others.



Cosmic entities are usually born as tiny, nebula-like creatures called “Mini-Nebulas.” Mini-Nebulas vary greatly in shape, size, and looks, but are made purely of gaseous compounds and generally have very cute or mischievous faces.

Mini-Nebulas are childish and innately curious and are known to be easily fascinated by new things, as it’s uncommon for anything to happen in the vacuum of space. They possess mysterious powers, including but not limited to telekinesis and firing beams of light. These abilities, however, cannot be fully controlled by the Mini-Nebulas and forcefully activate when they feel threatened.

Over time, a Mini-Nebula will develop its own characteristics and personality, which, under natural circumstances, takes anywhere from hundreds or thousands to even millions of years. This process can be forced to happen much more quickly by having a nebula spend time near a given species for long enough, causing it to slowly assume that species' likeness. Nebulas can take on various forms, but human or humanoid shapes (if not somewhat vague) are the most common, as they can (and often will) seemingly be chosen by default.

Even after the transformation, the cosmic entity isn’t fully mature and will grow over time, just like any other creature. Of course, they will also slowly gain more and more control over their abilities, and can even develop new ones. Cosmic entities will use the form they developed as a Mini-Nebula as their "default form," but can still change into any form they like. At a certain age, cosmic entities gain the ability to create other Mini-Nebulas.

Gender & Pronouns

Cosmic entities do not have sexes by nature. Instead, they use preferred pronouns that often match how masculine or feminine they look. For Mini-Nebulas, any pronoun will do because they do not have any reproductive organs and aren't intelligent enough to care anyway. After the Mini-Nebula stage, however, most cosmic entities will switch to preferred pronouns, as they now have the intelligence to care about gender. Many entities use either exclusively masculine or feminine pronouns but may use other pronouns, such as "they/them," "it," or even "xe/xem" and "ve/vem" if they so choose. Very, VERY rarely will a cosmic entity continue to use "any pronouns" after growing from a Mini-Nebula, but there are exceptions; so far, Eclipse-Kun is the only known one.


While cosmic entities can materialize reproductive organs at will and produce offspring of other species, they cannot propagate their own kind this way. Sex, besides being a tool for breeding with organisms of other species, is solely for pleasure. Instead, Cosmic Entities produce Mini-Nebulas by expelling a special kind of cosmic gas that collapses into a Starmbyro, which can then be compressed to form Mini-Nebulas. Starmbyros do not compress on their own given all the time in the galaxy, but "female" Cosmic Entities can store this gas inside them to compress it at a rapid pace, akin to mammalian pregnancy, then birth the Mini-Nebula as soon as it's ready.

Old & New World

There are two types of cosmic entities: Old World and New World. Old World entities were born before the Cosmic Massacre, whereas New World entities are born in the modern era. The latter are more accustomed to and fascinated by the existence of sapience, and most do not see sapient races as mere toys.

There were once dozens of Old World entities before the massacre. After it passed, however, only four Old World entities are left to this day, being Loonarin-San, Solari-Chan, Axrus-San, and Lady Pinprick, the very latter of whom was hidden somewhere along with every other surviving Mini-Nebula and planyploid at the time. All cosmic entities born since then have been of the New World variety, including Eclipse-Kun, even though both of their parents are Old World cosmic entities. New World entities represent different aspects of civilization and modern concepts, whereas the Old World variety was attributed to the elements and universal forces. Many entities, both Old and New, were directly created by Loonarin-San himself without the need for a partner.

Powers & Abilities

All cosmic entities possess some mysterious power that allows them to fly, warp space and time, and be unfettered by the laws of physics. They can also shapeshift, though they rarely do so.

Notable Members

Old World

New World



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